Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We were selected!

I am overfilled with joy! Thank you Lord!! We just received the much anticipated phone call we have been waiting for. The little girl's caseworker called to tell us we were selected for the 12 year old girl we asked for. We were one of the two top chosen families that they were deciding on this morning. After the meeting today, she said we are the selected family for her! The next step is a meeting scheduled mid June with the caseworkers and all the people who have worked with this little girl, including her therapist, people who work in her home, teachers, and CASA so we can ask questions to find out what we need to know to truly help her.

Her worker told us that this little girl does not know we were selected and she can not legally know until 24 hours after the June meeting. She said the little girl will be thrilled, because she has been telling everyone about our family since we met one month ago. Her worker said she even went to court with her last week and this little girl told the judge all about us and how she wants our family to adopt her.

Her worker asked us to create a small photo album for her to show this little girl. Even though she has already met us, she would like us to include pictures of our family, home, places we like to go, and things we like to do. That will be fun to create for her, but I can't wait to see her home, school, friends, and places she likes to go.

We are informally going to schedule dates to meet with her and then possibly even plan a move in date for the beginning of July. Very exciting news!

Monday, May 21, 2012

The selection process date is set!

Well, it has been just about 3 weeks since we first met the sweet 12 year old girl at the adoption match party. We have spent hours reading through her files, talking to her case worker and our case worker, and even her therapist. It has been an emotional journey learning about her past and truly deciding if this is the one for us. After much discussion and prayer, we do believe in our hearts that she is the one and God will be with us every step of the way.

We found out today that we are one of the top chosen families, like we had expected. Next week, our worker will go meet with this little girl's worker, CASA, and other workers to make the final decision on who is the right family for this child. If and when we are chosen, we will start having phone calls and visits with her soon after. We have also been told that a team of people who know her well will meet with us and share all they can with us to help this little girl.

Meanwhile, I continue to pray, study, and ask God to bring others into our lives who can be a support system for us and for her - I specifically prayed for a family who has adopted older children and have their own biological children. So what do you think happens today? I run into an old neighbor from 6 years ago who I have been dying to see since we moved back. They are one of the first homeschooling families I met and greatly admired. They have several sweet children and I found out today they have been busy themselves adopting possibly 2, ages 10 and 12. They have had the children in their homes since December, so she has all sorts of advice for us. Thank you Lord! I am constantly amazed and so thankful for our loving God and all He does for us! He continues to supply what we need when we need it!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

We made a match at the adoption match party!

I am writing this to help those of you out there going through the adoption process. Whether it is through the state or private adoption agency, you will have these same opportunities. Even though this was a very emotional experience, we would definitely advise other adoptive parents to attend a match party. As you will see with our story, we were able to interact with any child we wanted to and speak personally with that child's caseworker. Most of us would not have the opportunity to speak with a child and the caseworker unless we were the chosen family after the selection process. So, first pray, go to a match party, play with the kiddos, and then pray some more. If the child or children are there, God will show you!

I am also writing this for the little girl we believe is meant to bless our family. This is just the beginning of her adoption story.

This weekend we went to our first adoption match party 4 hours away. Our family was excited, yet very uncomfortable with the idea of this. Shrimp was especially uncomfortable feeling that the children would be on showcase for us. I was praying the whole time that God would show us the one He wanted us to have. I asked him to have one stand out to us and for us to know he/she was the one. Well, I feel it happened just as I had prayed for it to happen. God showed us the one and it happened to be one we were interested in months ago, but we thought she had been adopted. 

We realized that if this one is truly going to be ours there was a reason it took our process so long. If we would have been certified sooner, this little girl would not have been available to us. She just became available again a couple weeks ago.

Here's how the day proceeded. We arrived and there were children of all ages everywhere. There were many children I was interested in, but not my husband. There were games, a bouncy house, basketball, and crafts going on around us. As we sat looking out at the children on the bouncy house, I prayed for Him to show us if the one was there. All the children were precious and beautiful and full of life that day. You look around and just want to take them all home. I knew I could not just go up to any of the children because I might give them false hope. So, I was praying and watching the children. I looked over at the line of people arriving and saw this little girl waiting in line to check in. I grabbed my husband's attention. I even interrupted him to show him this girl. As we were staring at her, my daughter and I realized she looked very familiar. She was a very small and petite little thing. We quickly learned it was the 12 year old girl we knew from the website months ago and wondered why she was there. We thought she had been adopted.

My hubby and I spoke briefly and we quickly felt that I should go talk to them. I went up to her and her caseworker and we started talking. I asked the girl if she knew she was famous. That I had seen her on a news show months ago. I told her she was an impressive gymnast and the next thing I know, she started doing flips for me excited to show off her skills. I was immediately struck by her bubbly personality. She was also very polite as she looked me in the eyes and answered every question. She went off to play in the bouncy house and Posie instantly followed. This gave me a chance to talk with her caseworker. The caseworker was a wealth of knowledge explaining everything to me and answering my questions. I found myself tearing up over what she was telling me. It was very hard to hear what all this little girl had been through. At that moment, I started to wonder if this was the one for us.

Very quickly we were approached by a woman who needed to take this little girl's picture for the adoption website again. As I walked away, my hubby and I noticed another couple following. I looked at my hubby and we felt we should go as well. It was very strange, almost as if we were fighting for this little girl's attention. Not what I had envisioned.

She was so sweet and answered the other couple's questions, but kept turning to us to talk. She pretty much went with us after that. She had others approach her, but it was only briefly. She ate with us and spent time with the kids on the bouncy house. I had a million questions for her. I wanted to know everything about her.

She had several children come up to say hello to her and we found out it's because they lived with each other at one point. We found out this sweet girl has been living in a group home for a year. We loved watching the sweet way she interacted with these friends. This was definitely an advantage. At one point, I thought she would leave us to go play with her friends, but she quickly turned to us and motioned saying, "The line is over here."

While we were sitting eating lunch, she was very sweet with my hubby asking politely to wear his sunglasses. After, she gave them back nicely even though the other kids were asking to wear them as well. The way she interacted with him was precious and it surprised me. While we were eating, she asked us if we want to adopt her and I had to explain that it wasn't what we wanted that was important, it was finding the perfect family for her. She immediately told us she wanted us to adopt her. She said, "Please adopt me. I have my grandparent's phone number and I can call them." Then she turned to her caseworker and whispered that she wanted us to adopt her. It was all very sweet.

We found out that homeschooling would be in her best interest. She loves animals, just like our kids do. She went crazy when she found out we volunteer at the Humane Society. She absolutely loves huskies. She is completely a tom boy. She loves roller blading, biking, kickball, swimming, gymnastics, and animals. She even said her favorite tv show was Animal Planet. I noticed she has a creative side because her shoes were decorated. She said she used nail polish to decorate them. What a cute idea! We were not finding anything that we disliked about her. 

At the end of the day, she gave us a hug and left. I didn't want to let her go. I spoke with my hubby to see how he felt and instantly went to fill out an interest card on her. Her caseworker had given me the only business card she had and asked us to call her and have our caseworker submit our home study.

We all left feeling mixed emotions: excitement yet sadness for all the children there who did not have a family approach them. Our whole family liked this girl and wanted to adopt her. We felt she would fit perfectly into our family and we just wanted to take her with us that afternoon to go camping. Of course, it did not happen. We spent the entire weekend talking about her and thinking of all the things we wanted to do with her and show her. We just wanted to take her home, protect her and love her.  

Now, we thought this meant that we might get to see her again sooner and the process would move along more quickly, but we found out today that we were wrong. We do get to receive info on her next week to decide if we want to proceed. Next, we will still have to go through the selecion process. Other case workers will gather together with ours to make the decision. We do have an advantage given that we met her and had a connection with her. But, it may take a couple weeks for us to find out anything and start having visits. Again, I have to remind myself it's all in God's timing. I am so full of excitement and joy thinking she is the one. But, I am also praying for this little girl to find the right home for her, because ultimately that is what matters. And I keep thanking our loving, faithful God for blessing us with this opportunity!