Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We were selected!

I am overfilled with joy! Thank you Lord!! We just received the much anticipated phone call we have been waiting for. The little girl's caseworker called to tell us we were selected for the 12 year old girl we asked for. We were one of the two top chosen families that they were deciding on this morning. After the meeting today, she said we are the selected family for her! The next step is a meeting scheduled mid June with the caseworkers and all the people who have worked with this little girl, including her therapist, people who work in her home, teachers, and CASA so we can ask questions to find out what we need to know to truly help her.

Her worker told us that this little girl does not know we were selected and she can not legally know until 24 hours after the June meeting. She said the little girl will be thrilled, because she has been telling everyone about our family since we met one month ago. Her worker said she even went to court with her last week and this little girl told the judge all about us and how she wants our family to adopt her.

Her worker asked us to create a small photo album for her to show this little girl. Even though she has already met us, she would like us to include pictures of our family, home, places we like to go, and things we like to do. That will be fun to create for her, but I can't wait to see her home, school, friends, and places she likes to go.

We are informally going to schedule dates to meet with her and then possibly even plan a move in date for the beginning of July. Very exciting news!

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