Monday, July 15, 2013

Selecting children, having faith, and the waiting game

I wanted to write this post because we are currently in the waiting game again and I felt I left out some information in a previous post about selecting children to adopt. We have been selecting children and waiting since April. After praying for God's will, God showed us He does still want us to adopt, so we have been seeking children of all ages and groups. And, yes, we are still waiting!

One of the things not shared with us in the beginning was that a family can select as many children as they want. Now this is for the state of Texas. I'm not sure how it works in other states. We thought we could only ask for one child or one group at a time. No, you can choose as many as you are interested in at a time. Our sweet, patient worker sometimes submits for up to 5 a week for us.

This can be a hard time as you select a child based on one picture and a short description of that child. I don't know about you, but how can you know this is the child God wants you to have?

Well, I decided to give it all to God and I would urge you to do the same. And I mean completely trusting in Him and what He wants for your family. I realized the more and more we looked, we were still being very selective.

We initially only wanted children between the ages of 6-10 and no more than 2 children. Now, I am asking for all sorts of children, even sibling groups of 3, which my husband said no to. The only thing we realized is we don't believe He wants us to have a child older than our oldest son, who is now 13 and that we can't take in a severe child. Besides those 2 things, we are trusting God completely. Are you?

Every day I would look at the website and the broadcasts sent out to us and realize we were still being too selective. I started asking for several children a day asking God to shut the door on the ones He does not want us to have. Yes, my friends and family do think I'm crazy! But, I am not about to tell God what I believe He wants for our family.

This has given me an incredible peace as I realized He is doing exactly what I asked for. We have received a few phone calls and emails saying we are being considered for different children. Occasionally,  we hear that we were not selected for a child or children, but mostly we don't hear back at all. Thank you, Lord, for shutting those doors!

One day I received a phone call saying we are being considered for a group of 3. An hour later another group of 3. I'm not sure if God wants us to have one of these groups or if He is trying to show us something. Whatever it is, I am trusting Him to close the door if they are not the ones He wants for us.

We know we are currently in the top 3 for one of the sibling groups, but again, we have been waiting for over a month. We do know we are still being considered and there is a new selection date, so we are just waiting.

Do we see ourselves with 3 or want 3 children? No! But, do we really know what God wants us to have? Again, No! We just have to trust that He knows what is best for us and who needs us.

I have had friends and family who roll their eyes or make comments about how many I have submitted for. They think I'm being impatient or testing God. Or they'll make comments like I don't think God wants you to have older ones again or I don't think God wants you to have 3. All I can say to you is - Don't worry about what others say or think. I value my friends and families' opinions, but they are their opinions. How do they know what God wants for your family? Be careful when taking advice from others.

I urge you to prayerfully consider how you are handling the adoption selection process and just remember to be patient and trust in God. Let Him lead you.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. So great how you are trusting God fully through this process. I need to learn to do this in many areas of life. I am praying for you and your family from VA. Tell Shrimp and Posie they are missed very much by our crew. Love you guys!

  2. Thank you so much, Georgina! We are truly trying to give it more and more to God. I realize as I'm still choosing children, I find myself still being too selective. I wish He would just have CPS call us with the child/children He wants us to have. We miss you all dearly and pray you are enjoying your new adventures and friends.
